Appraisal Smart Pty Ltd.

Appraisal Smart Pty Ltd.


Appraisal Smart Pty Ltd is a premier provider of sophisticated web-based (internet and intranet) Employee Performance Management, 360-Degree Feedback, and Learning Management (L&D) software. Mission is to provide clients with user-friendly, online Talent Management software, enabling them to more effectively achieve their Corporate Goals of creating a high-performance business culture, and developing the critical talent they cannot thrive without. This is achieved through our state-of-the-art Internet (SaaS/Cloud) and Intranet database solutions, utilizing the latest programming innovations available.

Although Appraisal Smart can handle organizations with many thousands of employees, we have a particular passion to make our online systems also affordable for smaller companies that so far just could not afford similar systems available today. This vision is reflected in our pricing structure, with companies with as few as 15 employees being able to have a sophisticated web-based solution, normally only affordable for bigger-budget organizations.
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Appraisal Smart